Here are the 10 skills that are in highest demand by companies. Expert Web Professionals have these skills as well as project managers for your use.
1. Framework knowledge
With the meteoric rise to fame of Rails, Django, and other MVC frameworks like within Joomla, Expert Web Developers can build websites much faster using these tools. Frameworks help you cut out much of the repetitive tasks that normal custom programming requires. Having knowledge of the top frameworks (Rails, Django, CakePHP, Symfony, and a few others), we give you savings without sacrificing results.
2. Widget development
Widgets have changed how web sites behave in the past couple of years. With the advent of widgets, data has become more portable, interactive and most importantly, viral. Almost every web site business plan includes a widget or two at some point, mainly because it helps increase their audience and puts more eyeballs on their content.
Widget development requires knowing Javascript and/or flash, not to mention knowledge of the regular language that the parent site is built in.
3. Custom CMS themes
As the deployment of CMSs like Joomla and WordPress have increased over the past years, so has the demand for creating custom themes for the websites.
Many people use CMSs to power their business websites, so this work behind the scenes. An engaging website needs a unique and usable design reflecting the brand behind it.
4. CMS Customizations and plugin development
CMSs are popular because they give site owners the ability to change content and basic layout their site using plugins. Most CMS platforms have a long list of modules to offer but often a business may need a custom module or plugin to finish off the site.
5. PSD to XHTML services
You are able to get your exact site layout using a designer's skills to create a photoshop site layout. We can then take that PSD file and convert it into CSS and XHTML to make the site fit within a CMS like Joomla or WordPress. Because of the variety of browsers now in use, each may have hidden differences in how they render sites, Expert Web Professionals perform cross browser tests to ensure compatibility.
6. Javascript Plugin Development
Similar to the growth of CMSs and MVC frameworks, usage of Javascript has become very popular. Javascript frameworks are built with the functionality to add custom features in the form of modules. Expert Web Professionals can build custom Javascript modules for frameworks like jQuery or Dojo. Some of the most popular Javascript frameworks are:
- jQuery
- Scriptaculous
- Dojo
- MooTools
7. Facebook Application Development
Facebook has opened their platform to third party developers. This has place a huge demand for social network apps and Expert Web Professionals are here to deliver. Hundreds of applications are now added on a daily basis to help an online business gain exposure.
These social media applications are created to generate revenue or drive brand awareness. Each of these social networks like Facebook require specific language constraints or syntax, like the FBML (Facebook Markup Language), so building it without professionals can push the learning curve.
8. iPhone applications
Deploying an iPhone application can be very profitable for your business. However, making an iPhone app acceptable to Apple?s platform is not for the faint-of-heart.
9. Ecommerce integration
Business web sites always need ecommerce integration. Some of these integrations are fusion to a payment gateway (like Paypal or or displaying multiple views of products. In additon, subscription-based revenue models require additional integration techniques to facilitate automate downloads, newsletter updates and online banking.
10. Flash and Actionscript Knowledge
Flash animation can add life for a website. Flash can be used to create videos, interesting navigation, fun animated sequences, widgets, and many other useful things. The flash technology adds a very professional dimension to any website, and large websites and corporations always look to professionals to help showcase their products or services.